Was wonder if anyone has same filter in older Newell
In our 2001 Newell we have 2 stage #1 & 2 filters THM 1 & 2
We also have clear plastic canister filter next to the city water plumbing.
I need to change that filter cartridge and wanted to find out where you can find them?
Thanks ,
I buy those twine filters at Home Depot. They come in a 2 pack. About $11 for two.
It is just a sediment filter. Almost any one will be OK
I also have question regarding stage 1 & 2 filters THM filters , how often should one replace them?
I go through a TON of those between the 2 houses. Strictly a sediment filter. I typically buy the 5 micron filtering size, as opposed to the 30 micron. The least expensive place I've found centrally here is a farm and ranch store called Atwoods, at $1.99 per filter. They will usually have them in stock, if I haven't cleaned out their inventory! I change mine monthly, using 7 cartridges between the 2 houses. The farm house has a ton of black sediment that's coming up with the new pump, so I built a 4+1 filter manifold prior to the Kinetico water softener. The first 4 filters are in parallel, dumping into the last and then to the water softener. It's been amazing to watch the stuff coming out of the house pipes, once the stuff going in got minimized! Even my MIL's hair stylist has been able to tell a difference.
Unless you go through a TON of water or get into a very heavily sedimented water supply, I would expect you could easily get 2-3 months out of a couple filters. They will look much dirtier in the canister than they will once pulled out and dried.
The stage 1 & 2 filters in my coach only treat water going to the Amana refrigerator and the special little drinking water spigot on the kitchen sink. As best I can remember when I installed them a year ago, they should be changed after 1,000 gallons. It takes a lot of ice and drinking, coffee water to use up 1,000 gallons, so I plan to change after two years. Just my opinion.
they are really expensive filters to change annually. for me anyway
Everpure the maker of those 2 filters suggests only annual replacement , unless your water is real bad. Newell charges about $120 for the 2.
That is a better price than most I have seen on the internet. I try to replace my Everpure filters annually. Bacteria can start growing in filters left in the system too long and actually reduce the quality of the water instead of improving it. The Everpure 2 stage THM filters are some of the better ones on the market. They have a low flow so they are suitable primarily for ice and drinking water. I re-plumbed my system to also feed the Inst-Hot through it since we use it for hot tea also.