Newell Gurus

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See the attached picture. I am broken down in Florida City. Road service is working on it. He left to get a new hose made up and said he would put the wheel back on the coach so it would still be here when he got back.

I have no idea how that hose could have come out of the brake canister. The threads on the hose are definitely damaged. I hope this never happens to anyone else. The clock is ticking at $125/hr plus parts. Road service will cover him showing up, but I think that is about it. It took over four hours for him to arrive and he will be gone another 3 or so by the time he gets the hose made. You would think I was out in the barren west! Oh well, no one hurt - just a bump in the road and a late night I hope.

Tom - on any administrator - please fix my typo on the thread title when you have a minute. I'm a little too stressed to type well I see. R
Russ, I hope that you get back on the road safely with a not too much lighter wallet. Good luck!
Thanks Bill - It is not going well. I didn't get a very competent road service mechanic. He off again for more parts. You really are at their mercy when you are stopped along the road. R
Russ, we feel for you. Try to relax, at least no one was injured. What has happen can be repaired and will be. You are at home. Good luck.
Thanks - I am concentration on the "it could be worse" part of the equation. No sure what you mean by "at home". Ha - the middle of a median in Florida City is not remotely where I would want to call home.

I'll get through this!
Richard - Thanks for the consult!
Russ, I mean the convenient of water, electric, e-mail and A/C. I know this doesn't make things seem to be better, but these things are not with a lot of off road repair. Just trying to make you feel better. i will be there one of theses days and feel the same way you do. Chin up it will get better.
Chappell - Okay, got it! My sense of humor needs a little tuneup too! Russ
I had something similar happen to me. I always carry a couple of needle nose vice grips with me. You can pinch the hose off and get the coach to a safe place to finish the repair. Paul

Hope it all worked out ok. What was the outcome?
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