I'm changing the filters on my generator and have a question about the fuel filters. In my manual is shows the placement of the fuel filter. It is down behind the oil filter, but does not show the large filter in the photo. The one by the oil filter looks plastic and not like a filter I've seen. I have a extra fuel filter that came with the coach and it is about the same size as the oil filter. Is the large fuel filter an after market that was added? Surely it doesn't have two filter.
Chappell, that is a fuel filter with a water separator.
Yes, I know that. But is the small filter behind the oil filter at bottom of the phioto also a fuel filter? This small filter is the only one my gen. manual shows. My question is do I change both of them? The small one behind the oil filter does not look like a fuel filter. Is the fuel filter with the water separator something added later or does everyone have this filter with a water separator on it? My gen. manual does not show a filter with a separator.
I know what the large fuel filter with a water separator is. My AHs filter like that and my other motorhomes had the same type of fuel filter.
The small filter mounted down by the oil filter is your primary fuel filter. I change it every 250 hrs. The large fuel filter/water separator I change at 500 hrs.
Thanks Steve. That is what I needed. The reason for all this is in my box of parts that came with the coach was two fuel filters that was marked for generator. #3390 I believe. They were small, the size of the oil filter, and looking in the manual there was no notification for the large filter with the water separator.
My Cat. engine had a primary and secondary fuel filter. Wander why Detroit has only one.
(12-18-2014, 02:50 PM)qcj Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks Steve. That is what I needed. The reason for all this is in my box of parts that came with the coach was two fuel filters that was marked for generator. #3390 I believe. They were small, the size of the oil filter, and looking in the manual there was no notification for the large filter with the water separator.
My Cat. engine had a primary and secondary fuel filter. Wonder why Detroit has only one.
If I'm not mistaken, that same filter cartridge fits the aqua hot filter.