I have a Headhunter 110V water pump in my coach. It is working fine, but always looking for future replacement as it is 14 years old. The new Headhunter Mach 5 runs about $1,100+ and my pump does not qualify for their 1/2 price program. I found a pump that looks good to me and retails for $448.27. It is close on the dimensions and gpm. Just wanted the Gurus opinion of this pump.
Well, I must say this is a new item for me. An $1100 water pump?
I'm totally out of touch with this. may I ask why such an expensive pump? and with that price they fail?
hi steve,
i have used grundfos pumps before and as we all know they are first rate quality. that looks almost identical to the headhunter i took out and that you have.
and as you know i put the mach 5 in mine to replace it but i would never have spent 1100 bucks on it either. i bought a new old stock one from a guy who had bought it at an auction and paid 375 shipped if i remember right. or something like that. and even with that one i had to replumb it so i think you will have to do that no matter what pump you buy. that one you have is not made anymore from what i could tell. you could find some but they were high priced too.
so, i think it is a great sub.
ernie, the newells of that vintage have usually a 110v pump that was mostly used in yachts for providing house like water flow and pressure. you cant tell you are in a coach from a water pressure side.
mine also has a normal 12v surflo backup water pump but some dont have that. the headhunter is hooked up to the inverter as well.
My Prevost friend just replaced his Mach 5. Headhunter did an exchange for $ 500. His old one was 5 years old. The board went out, a new one was $250 or exchange for $500. Looked it today I think he still has problems as it shuts off at 65psi then drops to 42psi. Cycles thru about 5 times then settles at 44 psi. His flow starts good then drops off. We're going to replace the main filters and see what happens. His system has no 12 vdc pump nor a accumulator.
As you can tell Ernie the Grundfos pump is a little more my price and it looks almost the same as my current Headhunter. Here's a link to a Headhunter pump for sale.
The exchange program is only Headhunter Mach 5 for another Headhunter Mach 5. I have the model before the Mach 5 so full price.
yea, i tried to get headhunter to exchange my old one too but no go. it wasnt a mach 5, but the same one that i know many of you guys have.
the problem with them is that when the connection to or above the pump starts to drip or leak, it gets down inside the pump and shorts out the circuit board. so, if you have any sign of leakage at all on that upper connection, you better fix it soon cause it will cost ya sooner or later
Thanks for the facts. Interesting, though, the larger the volume, the quicker your holding tank fills.
Some Bluebirds have 2 of the 12 volt variety.
The leak that Tom describes is what happened to me. I replaced it with a 110v Shurflo and bladder tank which provide enough pressure for my purposes and the price is right. If anyone is interested, I have posted a photo of my installation
Spent the day looking at what it would take to replace the Headhunter, when it dies, with the Grundfos pump. The Grundfos pump is about the same width, not quite as tall, but 5 1/2 inches longer. As Tom said some replumbing would be required. The connection points are in good positions that will allow just minor replumbing. It also looks like raising it off the floor about an inch to inch and a half would make the fit easier as that would allow it to miss some existing piping. One of the advantages to the Grundfos pump over the Headhunter is the availability of rebuild parts, as well as the price. The gpm specs are almost identical.
i used pex and sharkbite fittings so i wouldnt have to go buy a pex crimper.
they worked great and are VERY easy to use. a little pricey but worth it.