Newell Gurus

Full Version: Crazy Weather
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Ken I got a message from my buddy in Houston that his dogs didn't want to go outside so it must be real cold down south, one good thing this will be gone in a couple days.

Its -4 with wind chill -21 just check out the coach and the heat pumps are working and doing their job. Bedroom was (-15 unit) was set at 64 and it was 64 in the bedroom the salon and galley was set at 60 and it was 57 but still putting out some warm air but not enough to make it to the set point. There is no insulation on the front caps of these coaches? There was still snow on the steps on the inside of the coach from yesterday and the temp read -4 at the bottom. I will have to seal off the old return air where the other basement AC heat pumps where, there has to be a lot of heat escaping from that area. 

Here are some interesting thermal images, notice he ground under my foot steps is warmer than the snow on top.
I'm surprised you're getting that much heat at -4° with a heat pump. You're getting good use from your thermal imager. Stay warm!
You know its cold when you breath in and your nose hairs freeze. Not much I can do but I did turn on the 8k diesel heater this morning to help warm things up so I can hook up the silver leaf I got from Forest.

Jim I was amazed when I walked in at 4am this morning, the one in the bedroom is made for the cold weather but the 2 ton in the salon and galley is a standard unit, it should have gave a code a long time ago.
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