Sitting in Newton Iowa on our way to HWH. Hooked up to city water at the KOA and get very little flow from all the faucets and shower. The pressure at the city faucet is very good. Switched to the tank and pump, everything works fine. Checked the cold water filter and it is clean. Any ideas on where to start looking? Thanks.
There is a pressure regulator with a gauge. Some of them have a nut that is adjustable. I believe they are set to 35psi. If yours is low on pressure, either someone messed with it or the internals are going bad and you would have to replace it.
On 653, if you turned on the “Auto Water Fill”, it would take all the pressure from the City Water and use that to fill the tank. After then tank is full, the pressure returned to normal.
Take a look at that switch in the galley / water bay.