Newell Gurus

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Yesterday the StabilRide went into a Fault condition 516103  16  CDCAZ Body RR  /High
I was in the Colorado mountains so lots of twisty turnies and ups & downs between Ridgway & Dolores.  Stopped in Rico for a while & the Fault was gone when I started again.

Anyone have any information about StabilRide?  I'd like to be prepared for the next time.  Have not asked Newell yet.

The CDC Dampers on our 2015 like to pop up with their complaints now and again. Nothing really sticks permanent though. We feel it's just an error in the communication lines. I'm always suspicious of "low voltage" situations causing these issues.

My error code(s) are:

I will say that I've recently had a "StabiliRide" warning pop up on my dash, so next service I'm gonna dig a bit deeper on this issue.

Keep us posted on what Newell thinks about your's.
Thanks Steve, those roads were a lot of rock & roll, perhaps that plays into it. I always run in "Comfort" as opposed to "Sport" a term which is out of place with a Coach. I just never think to change it. We'll see if it happens again. My last coach had a similar system and I used "Sport" on mountain roads. It seemed to make a slight difference but 10 years later I don't pay attention....
Funny you mention “Sport” mode, Jim, because that’s on my list to try and “figure out” if it’s really set up and working as it should.
Occasionally I will receive the following:


It usually is triggered when I am in stop & go traffic.  Perhaps the rocking motion coupled with sudden braking is pulling/pushing a wire or sensor beyond normal.  I just completed a 5,600 mile trip this summer, and this error was active for about 500 of those miles.  I kinda of just live with it as the error usually resets after shutting down for an extended time.

I have not contacted Newell.
Good to hear what others have had happen. Mine worked for the next 1000 miles or so without incident.
Now that I have seen the wire splice on the DEF Heater wires I should figure where the splices are for the StabilRide since it intermittently shows a fault. I'll start with the Right Rear shocks wiring harness.
I switched to "Sport" mode 4 or 5 thousand miles ago and have not had a StabilRide fault since.