Newell Gurus

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Has anyone ever replaced just the airbag bellows? I’m trying to figure out what’s the best way to replace airbags for my 1996. W01-358-9447 are no longer available.
What are "airbag bellows"?
It’s the rubber component of the airbag. I think 1T15-L2 is the bellow number for my airbags .
Ole, on these airbags you replace the entire assembly.
Ok thanks

Here you go:

There are other options out there, but in my quick search this was the least expensive.

On edit- I see now Stengel is saying that bag isn’t available. But- the crossing Goodyear is:
If Stenglbro. doesn’t have bags, See my thread entitled “air bags for 316” I think you may get your questions answered !

Drive air bags Goodyear 1r11-066
Tag air bags Goodyear 1r11-066

Some have used Goodyear 1r12-324 for the drives. There are two things to be aware of if you go that route. One, the air bag will be plumbed to eliminate the ping tank with the 1/4 line going directly to the air bag. Second, if you go with this bag, it has a slightly large diameter bellows which means the tag bag also HAS to be replaced with a 1r12 bag to keep the weight distribution between drive and tag the same. If yo install the larger diameter bags on the drive and keep the tag, then the drive will carry more weight and the tag less since all three bags on a side have the same pressure supply.
Thanks Everyone. I've read many threads regarding this topic and it seems there's a couple of different options but they all involve buying a different bag and making adjustments. I was just trying to see if a specific bag that they are selling to me would work for my #397- it's for flyer govt busses/ firestone W01-W35-9127. It's a bit higher when extended (15") and bottom plate is not single and the spacing between the top plate air intake and bolt is off by 1/2".
Ole- as a correct bag is available I would not try to fit something else unless you’re in an emergency “have to drive it now” position.

Get the right bags and be done with it.
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