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New user introduction…

Let’s try this again as a new thread. (Sorry!)

I purchased my first coach a bit under two years ago, a 2011 Tiffin Allegro RED 38 qba. Over the last two years I've had the opportunity to travel extensively, logging nearly 19k miles. While I've very much enjoyed my experience, it's made me realize there are a number of things I wish were different. But I'm reluctant to put a bunch of money into a coach that doesn't have the "bones" to ever be the experience I'm looking for. And while I never dreamed of being able to own a Newell coach, I have been incredibly impressed with the stories I'm hearing about Newell's being "1.5 million mile coaches." I've was also very impressed that Newell continues to support and be willing to work on older coaches. This is NOT the case with Tiffin that has a strict policy that they will only work on coaches that are less than ten years old. I need to also mention that while my wife is (somewhat reluctantly) coming around to the idea that we own an RV, she is generally someone for whom "getting there" has never been what she gets excited about. She's more of a "let's get to our destination as quickly as possible so we can enjoy what we're going there for." To that end, I believe the superior ride quality of even an older Newell is going to enhance her experience while traveling allowing her to enjoy the journey more. And if she's more comfortable "getting there," there's a great opportunity for her to have some of the experiences I've had while traveling with our sons. 

What I'm looking for?
  • A more solid coach that doesn't creak and make noise when driving over anything but the smoothest of surface
  • A smoother, quieter ride
  • A coach that isn't under-powered like my current one (340 HP pushing 32k lbs)
  • A coach that I know isn't going to fall apart around me from the vibration of the road
  • A coach that will have the space for my wife and I to both be comfortable once we get to our destination
  • And, ideally, I'd like to be able to find a coach that I can get in the $100-$200k price range and wouldn't require an immediate outlay of more than $20k to get everything working
  • At the age of 61 and (hopefully) approaching retirement, I'd rather find a coach that I can keep, maintain, and know for the next ten years rather than consider "upgrading" every 3-5 years.I'm thinking that the quality of Newell would allow me to buy something that I can afford now and continue to love and maintain for a decade rather than feeling as though I'm trying to keep something together with chewing gum and bailing wire. 

What are my concerns?
  • Number one is can a twenty-year-old coach be reliable?
  • While I would likely plan to go directly to Newell annually for regular maintenance, will I be able be able to find reliable service closer to Atlanta if I need it? (I'm currently struggling with a chassis a/c issue on my Tiffin that despite spending $3,300 with the dealer I purchased it from to replace just about everything, it still isn't blowing cold!) 
  • Do I have to be concerned about being able to find parts for an older coach?
  • How prepared do I have to be for major issues?
  • How much is reasonable to budget annually for regular maintenance and repairs? I feel I'm capable of handling most "house" type repairs but I'm definitely not qualified to do anything with the engine, transmission, slides, etc. 

I'm sure there are many things I'm not thinking of that I should be. But I'm just incredibly grateful to see that this community exists and that everyone seems to be so incredibly helpful. Thanks for including me here and I apologize in advance for all the stupid or naive questions I'm sure I'll be asking. Thanks for being patient with me.


Messages In This Thread
New user introduction… - by hedgecomb - 09-09-2023, 02:25 PM
RE: New user introduction… - by Fulltiming - 09-09-2023, 03:35 PM
RE: New user introduction… - by Jack Houpe - 09-09-2023, 03:50 PM
RE: New user introduction… - by Richard - 09-09-2023, 03:52 PM
RE: New user introduction… - by Jonestead - 09-10-2023, 08:03 AM
RE: New user introduction… - by BusNit - 09-10-2023, 08:44 AM
RE: New user introduction… - by DK on the road - 09-11-2023, 09:13 AM
RE: New user introduction… - by hbens - 09-11-2023, 12:51 PM

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