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Key west

Well , met next door neighbors they had a boat , went fishing today, caught a sharkSmile. Love Marcos island! Much better than the keys

Marc Newman
Formerly Newell 422, 507, 512 701



Are you still at pelican lake or is there a nice place on Marco Island? Any beaches there?

Doug and Melanie Matz
2015 45 Bunk Coach 1517
Toad Ford Flex

No places on Marco but pelican lake is the bomb.. Be a great place to buy a lot.. For someone like me who could only go a few weeks a year be rough to. Uh but be kinda cool to get a Newell group together buy one and rent it out when someone in the ownership group wasn't using it..kinda like a Newell time share..

Marc Newman
Formerly Newell 422, 507, 512 701


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