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tom and darlenes first trip after retiring

Darlene you look like a pro. Did you drive the other coach any? My wife would drive the 96 a little but will not even try the 04. Trying to figure how to get her to at least slide under the wheel for me to stretch. How was the drive compare to the old coach?

1996 #422 and 2004 #689 with YELLOW Goldwing, BMW K1200S, RZR, Dodge Truck


Yes, I did drive the '90 a little. Only 200 miles under my belt on the '02. It drives about the same to me, so Jean shouldn't have any trouble with it. I'm still a novice though, but I didn't have any trouble. The only thing different to me is the length of this one compared to the old one. Since both of your coaches were the same length it should be a no-brainer. I can't say that I say, "Oooo let me drive!" like Tom does, but I don't mind taking a turn so that he can rest a little.

Darlene McCloud
2002 Newell - #608 - 2 slides
2008 Honda CRV (toad)

My wife used to drive all of our motorhomes until the day I blew an almost new front tire doing 70 on I-10. When she saw what I had to do to control the Country Coach, she would never drive again. Something to think about.

2001 Newell #579
tow a Honda Odyssey
fun car: 1935 Mercedes 500K replica

i actually slept in till 7am this morning. dont know what got into me.

sitting here with the windows open and a cool breeze with the smell of cows wafting in the windows. lots of dairy farms here and the cattle auction isnt far away. giganto train switching yard next to us so trains all the time too. but you know what? i love it all. we are in our friends big driveway, it is nice weather, and i didnt have to go to work this morning.....


2002 45'8" Newell Coach 608  Series 60 DDEC4/Allison World 6 Speed HD4000MH


Tom, you now have the correct mindset........there's no turning back now.

Clarke and Elaine Hockwald
1982 Newell Classic, 36', 6V92 TA
2001 VW Beetle Turbo
Cannondale Tandem
Cannondale Bad Boy

Hey Clarke by the time we head up to Canada he will be telling us to slow down!

Forest & Cindy Olivier
1987 log cabin
2011 Roadtrek C210P
PO 1999 Foretravel 36'
1998 Newell 45' #486 

1993 Newell 39' #337 

except we have 3 days to go 1000 miles......


2002 45'8" Newell Coach 608  Series 60 DDEC4/Allison World 6 Speed HD4000MH


If we leave Spearfish on June 29th we have 5 days, and I think it's under 900 miles isn't it? June 29th, June 30th, plus July 1st, 2nd and 3rd.......should be a comfortable 180 miles a day.....just my speed.

Clarke and Elaine Hockwald
1982 Newell Classic, 36', 6V92 TA
2001 VW Beetle Turbo
Cannondale Tandem
Cannondale Bad Boy

Yes Clarke, Tom's still got learnin' to do. Throw away your watch and just worry about when it's Sunday.
Remember Clarke has a clock that shows the days of the week instead of the time.

Forest & Cindy Olivier
1987 log cabin
2011 Roadtrek C210P
PO 1999 Foretravel 36'
1998 Newell 45' #486 

1993 Newell 39' #337 

All you need to know once in a while is what day it is, otherwise you just need to look at the sun to know generally what time it is. Watches and clocks are highly overrated.

Clarke and Elaine Hockwald
1982 Newell Classic, 36', 6V92 TA
2001 VW Beetle Turbo
Cannondale Tandem
Cannondale Bad Boy

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