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Broken Down

I am at the end of my trip from the Keys to Tennessee. I will copy below the sequence of events. This is pretty much just the facts without my editorial comments for now. I you read the account and post questions or suggestions I will follow up.

This is to document the times and sequence of events for a failure of the right front brake airline on my 1999 Newell Coach.

May 10, 2014 Left Cudjoe Key, FL at 7:20AM
Noticed unusual fluctuations in both brake and total air pressure. Finally realized I was loosing air when the brakes were applied.
At Florida City at the stop light just before the entrance to the turnpike I attempted to stop the air loss by engaging the parking brake and remove my foot from the service brake. This indeed stopped the air loss and pressure build fully while I was waiting for the light to turn green. The light changed and I pushed in on the parking brake knob to release the brakes and the entire knob and valve released from the dash when the nut came loose and I could not release the parking brakes.

9:43 I called 911 and made them aware I was blocking a lane of traffic and my location

Officer Harris arrived and assisted with direction traffic while I crawled on the floor and reach behind the dash to hold the valve and was able to push it and release the parking brake. Office Harris directed me to a location in the center of a wide road and told me I was okay to remain there until my braking problem was repaired.

9:52 I called CoachNet - my emergency road service provider

I was offered a two and I advised I would rather try to repair the problem and avoid a tow.

10:13 I spoke with “tech expert” at CoachNet and explained the problem to him.
He understood and said they would dispatch a road. He advised CoachNet would not pay for any service or parts involved in the repair.

11:03 I called Newell Coach

11:09 Newell called and we discussed the situation. I was advised to look for a problem with the hose and not to expect it to be the brake chamber itself.

I used a digital audio recorder and moved it from wheel to wheel as I went back into the coach and applied the brakes ( I travel alone ). The recorder clearly indicated a leak at the right front.
I raised the coach with the air up option and looked at the right front and immediately saw the hose was not connected to the chamber. The part that was supposed to be threaded into the chamber was no longer connected.

11:29 I called CoachNet to advise them I had discovered the exact problem and to inquire about progress on their end. I was told they had dispatched a service company that was to arrive no later than 12:55. I jotted the name down as Trans – but did not get the rest of the name.
12:05 – CoachNet called and wanted to have a three way phone call with the road service dispatcher to get my exact location. Somehow that did not work out and CoachNet said the driver would call me directly.

12:06 the road service driver called – I have him directions – and then incredibly he told me it would be 2 to 2 ½ hours before he could get to me! Somehow CoachNet had chosen a road service provider far from my location even when I was located in a very populous location. This proved to be a very expensive decision for me.

12:31 I called Newell Coach

12:43 Newell called back and I described the situation and was advised I might be able to repair it myself if the threads were not damaged.

I inspected the threads on the fitting at the end of the hose and they looked damaged to me, so I decided to just wait for road service.

About 2:30 a guy arrived in a small van. He knocked on the door and introduced himself ( I cannot remember the name ). He handed me a clipboard and said sign here and initial here – I did of course. The van had no company logo or identification but the guy was dressed as you would expect. He set out a road warning cone near his van and opened the rear doors. I peeked in and it was a mess in there and I got my first not so good feelings. It had already been 4 ½ hours.
He removed the front wheel and told me I would need a new hose, but that the brake chamber was okay. I have since learned that those very standard parts should have been on a well stocked service truck, but his was anything but that and he announced he would have to drive all the way back to Hollywood, FL to make a hose made up. He thought it would be about 2 hours each way at $120/hr.
He put the wheel back on and left.

About 6:15 he came back, removed the wheel and laid the parts on the pavement. I was surprised not to see a completely assembled hose with fittings on each end, but rather just the fittings and a piece of hose. I took a picture.
He went to work and soon it was obvious he was not able to thread the new fitting into the brake chamber. He removed the portion of the brake chamber with the female threads and showed it to me saying its threads were damaged too. Well they obviously were. Why didn’t he check them like that before he left the first time?
He now says everything is closed and he will have to drive off and find a used brake chamber and makes some calls and says he has found one. I ask if he is going all the way back to Hollywood again, and he says no.

About 9:15 or so he returns. He announces he will have to charge me for a new chamber even though I am getting a used and rusted part he removed from a truck “in their shop”. I am beyond words by now. He grinds on it to clean it up and goes back to work to finished the hose install. He has me apply the brakes and announces there are no leaks and the repair is complete.

It must be 10PM or so by now. I am very unhappy and want to get out of the road and to a safe location for the night.
Unbelievably I have to jump start his van from my coach to get him on his way. I am presented a bill for $1,070.94


Russ White
2016 Winnebago Vista LX 30T
#530  ( Sold )
1999 45' Double Slide - Factory upgrade 2004

What a nightmare! Doesn't give a warm & fuzzy feeling of Coach-net.

Steve Bare
1999 Newell 2 slide #531

Sounds like Coach-net is only the equivalent of a broker -not much more than a google search could provide.

BTW Russ, I'm guessing the bill was due upon receipt?

marc & shari popejoy
western Oklahoma
1987 Newell #135

Yes, if I had it all to do over I would never have called Coach-Net, and that is sad. C-N I suppose picked up the bill for the service to come, but that is all they do. I have sent them a summary of the events and will let you all know if there is any positive response.
My initial assessment of the road service they sent was not good, but I briefly though the conversation might not go well if I tried to send him away based on looks. I was pretty stressed out after blocking traffic and felt I had no really good option but to sign and proceed. I had already waited a long time and there was just some relief in having someone arrive and say "no problem" I can get you going.

I saw two big issues: They dispatched an incompetent and very remotely located service truck with no onboard inventory of basic parts. I should have left him stranded there and let him find his own battery boost - but of course I couldn't. Being alone did not help.
He expected payment on the spot and had already inquired if I had a credit card other than American Express.


Russ White
2016 Winnebago Vista LX 30T
#530  ( Sold )
1999 45' Double Slide - Factory upgrade 2004

Russ, I have Good Sam Platinum roadside service and have not had to use them yet. But My brother-in-law has had to use them several times and had the same problem you had with C-N. The last time was in Lukin, TX. and after waiting for several hours to get a tow truck to pull him from being stuck, he call a local service and they had him out in 15 minutes. He has now cancelled his card and gone with FMCA. I'm afraid all of them are the same and just want our money.

Chappell and Mary
2004 Foretravel 36 foot

Russ, If you paid with a credit card protest the charge. Negotiate with him or his employer for a reduced fee based on your experience & at the least get a couple of hundred knocked off for the "road service" jump start. Sometimes it is better to pay with a card on the spot & negotiate later after the fog clears for a reasonable fee. Or one could always use the "Texas 3 kick rule".

I have always suspected that the road service model was not ideal, but what this makes me wonder is .... What the heck happened? According to Russ, the hose threads were messed up, but so was the chamber threads. I wonder what could have happened to cause this problem.

If you have a leak in the brake system...and it lets air go on braking....the air pressure gauge will drop on braking. When the brake is released, the air gauge will increase to the maximum set-point. Is that a true statement?

Is this something that we should watch for when driving?

Bill Johnson
Birmingham, Alabama


That is correct on the service side - when you press the brake pedal. On the parking brake side (emergency) you will run out of air and the offending wheel will lock up shortly. Nothing you can do about it @ that point. Where you stop is where you are.

marc & shari popejoy
western Oklahoma
1987 Newell #135


I could be all wrong because I am just basing my comments on an enlargement of a low res picture. If you look carefully at the pic Russ posted there appears to be a step change in diameter instead of a taper you would expect on that thread. I surmise the threads simply sheared from the main body of the fitting. The metal that sheared off remained in the female thread of the canister. If that is what happened, then time, vibration, and corrosion all contribute to metal fatigue. Again, all of that rigaramole is conjecture based on the picture. The threads shearing off explains why the new part wouldn't thread in.

Richard and Rhonda Entrekin
99 Newell, 512
Maverick Hybrid Toad
Inverness, FL (when we're home Cool )

I am wandering if what Hotrodhornet said would work in this case. Pinch off the hose and keep going??

Chappell and Mary
2004 Foretravel 36 foot

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