Newell Gurus

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ok gang, i have a question on my shop. i am in the final stages of working with the architech and builder on finishing the plans.

by default, they show a slope on the floor of 1/8" per foot. with a 70 foot deep shop that is 9 inches from back to front.

i had figured on it being level so as to keep the coach level when sitting in there and for working on it.

what do you guys suggest to do?


I think I'd want it level also. Keep your sockets from rolling away.
Outside is different.
At the entrance doors I've seen an incline back for a foot or so inside. But that's down here with lots of rain. Does it even rain there?
I wanted and had them pour my floor level. I always like working from level. If it was outside then slope is an issue.
steve, i thought you had done that. i will tell them i want it level

any other opinions?

In my old shop I had an area that slightly sloped to a floor drain.. Came in handy ...
Not gonna be a floor drain
I agree with Forest.
I would slope it towards the door, so I could wash the coach in the garage and the water would make it's way out of the shop. 4" over the length of your bus, you will not notice, in my opinion.
If you never plan on washing the bus inside, make it level.
I did what Jimmy did. There's a bird bath in the middle, maybe 6' in diameter to a floor drain. Otherwise, she's level. You should always slope a little at the doors.
I'll digress for the sake...

I'd rather be a bit high (not 9") in the center just so anything would migrate to the edge and not to the middle.

I'd just hate to have a low spot in the center.